Sunday, March 6, 2016

6.3. Insect-survey results

Hello again!

Thank you for everyone, who answered in our first survey (about eating insects)! During the Marsraiser-event last Monday we asked some new survey-questions, with the opportunity to taste actual insects in different forms. 

We prepared crickets (sposored by EntoCube), in both chili and garlic and herbs. The brave tasters were surprised in a good way, many referred to the crickets to remind them of just snacks like chips or similar. 

We also baked some nice cookies, with cricket-powder, ants and worms. So nice to see people open up to new experiences without too much hesitation. Hopefully the astronauts will be as open-minded to the idea!

Some data-analysis of the FIRST SURVEY showed us that (with over 300 answers):

  • 72 % of the people would be willing to taste insects (positive or indifferent)
  • Top 4 of preferred insects were grasshoppers, ants, worms and beetles. Not many would be willing to eat spiders, wonder why?
  • Taste is the main attribute, when people are deciding what to eat. Health effects come second.
During Marsraiser, in the SECOND SURVEY, we found that (with 28 answers):
  • People were more positive about eating insects, after they tasted them during Marsraiser (when asked both beforehand, and after tasting). Positive feelings grew 24,7 percentage points, while negative feelings decreased 10,7 percentage points.
  • People were also open to take insects into their daily diet, once they tasted them. 
  • Total of 92.6% was feeling positive after tasting.
  • 74% was willing to eat insects as a part of their daily diet
When looking at our survey-results, you have to keep in mind that the aims were different. In the first survey we wanted to find out peoples over-all attitudes towards insects as food, and in the second we were studying how does actually eating the insects affect those prejudices (or if it doesn't affect anything). 

(More information on analytics with graphics you can check HERE. )

 Few pictures of our epic cooking:
Here we have about 300 pieces of delicious food just waiting to be prepared.
First we of course killed the crickets, as humanely as possible, and then boiled them for a few minutes, and let them dry out. Then we divided them into two groups, one waiting to be fried with garlic and herbs, and the other with chili and lime.

The outcome was very nice! Just waiting for this to become a socially accepted in the western cultures too!
Until next time, and please comment, would you eat insects instead of/ with your regular diet?

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